
How this site is organised

Categories will refer to the type of post it is – an article, a link, a video, an exercise etc. It also refers to the specific skill (for example, grammar, writing, or listening), that is relevant to the post.

Tags refer to the topic it is about (for instance, Unlock 3 Unit 1: Animals).

Many posts are short videos that are meant to introduce, or incite further discussion into the topic. They are therefore not labelled under Listening or Speaking.

The best way to navigate the site would be to click on the appropriate tag, and see if there’s a link that you might be interested in. Alternatively, a search for keywords will do the trick.

Inside the Lives of Georgia’s Child Brides | National Geographic

Read: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/photography/proof/2016/12/georgia-child-marriage/


  1. Where is Georgia?
  2. How old are some girls who get married in Georgia?
  3. Why do girls get married so young there?
  4. Why is it a problem to get married so young?
  5. How can we help to solve this issue?

Sweden Looks to Import Garbage for Energy | Oilprice.com

Read: https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Renewable-Energy/Sweden-Looks-to-Import-Garbage-for-Energy.html


  1. How does Sweden generate power?
  2. What happens in the US instead?
  3. Is Sweden good at this? How can you tell?
  4. How can we follow Sweden’s example?

‘They have you in a cultish grip’: the women losing thousands to online beauty schemes | The Guardian

Read: https://www.theguardian.com/fashion/2019/jun/01/online-beauty-schemes-selling-social-media-younique-arbonne


  1. Why do women join direct sales or multi-level marketing (MLM) companies? What do they hope to achieve?
  2. What is the reality of joining such companies?
  3. Why do some people persist (continue)?
  4. What can be done to solve this problem?

All fossil-fuel vehicles will vanish in 8 years in twin ‘death spiral’ for big oil and big autos, says study that’s shocking the industries | Financial Post

Read: https://business.financialpost.com/transportation/fossil-fuel-vehicles-will-vanish-in-8-years-in-twin-death-spiral-for-big-oil-and-big-autos-says-study-that-shocking-the-industry


  1. Why do some people think that fossil fuel vehicles will be obsolete in the near future?
  2. What are some reason why people still prefer such vehicles?
  3. Who are the most worried by this prediction?
  4. What are some countries doing to become greener?
  5. What are some developments in green vehicle technology?
  6. Do you think this prediction will come true?

Fruit juice is a treat, not a health food | The Straits Times

Read: https://www.straitstimes.com/lifestyle/food/fruit-juice-is-a-treat-not-a-health-food


  1. What is the common perception of (fruit) juice?
  2. What are problems with fruit juice?
  3. What are some health problems of consuming too much fruit juice?
  4. What is a better way to consume fruit?

How a tsunami in Japan endangered children in Cambodia | Today

Read: https://www.todayonline.com/world/asia/how-tsunami-japan-endangered-children-cambodia


  1. What is iodine necessary for?
  2. What else is iodine used for?
  3. What problems can a lack of iodine lead to?
  4. Why do some people not get enough of it?
  5. How do governments try to make sure people get enough iodine?
  6. Why was there not enough iodine after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011?
  7. What happened as a result?
  8. How did other places deal with the iodine shortage?


Why are millions of Indian women dropping out of work? | BBC

Read: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-39945473


  1. What are the reasons given for Indian women dropping out of work?
  2. What are possible impacts of this phenomenon?
  3. What can be done to encourage more women in the workforce?
  4. What are some positive effects if more women get paid work?

India’s farmed chickens dosed with world’s strongest antibiotics, study finds | The Guardian

Read: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2018/feb/01/indias-farmed-chickens-dosed-with-worlds-strongest-antibiotics-study-finds


  1. Why do animals get antibiotics?
  2. Why shouldn’t animals take so much antibiotics?
  3. What suggestions would you recommend to reduce this dependency on antibiotics?

How a nanny from rural China became a millionaire | SCMP

Read: https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/2131678/custom-chinese-mothers-made-one-woman-million


  1. What are some usual jobs that people associate with getting rich?
  2. How did this lady become a millionaire?
  3. Why is this job valued?
  4. Would you be able to do this?
  5. Would you pay for someone like her?


Fifty Years Of De-Icing Roads Is Radically Altering The Chemistry Of Many American Rivers | IFLS

Read: https://www.iflscience.com/environment/fifty-years-of-deicing-roads-is-radically-altering-the-chemistry-of-many-american-rivers/


  1. What is ice put on roads?
  2. What are some unintended effects?
  3. What can be done to solve this?