Wild Kindergarten | AJ+

Some children in Germany go to a kindergarten located in the wild. Besides regular lessons, they also learn survival skills.

Related story: http://www.sbs.com.au/news/dateline/story/kids-gone-wild


  • Why would some parents enroll their students in such a school?
  • What are some benefits of going to such a school?
  • What are some issues that students may face here?
  • What kind of subjects do you think are useful for students?
  • How can education be improved?

How a World Champion of Public Speaking Prepares for Presentations | Business Insider

Video: http://www.businessinsider.sg/world-champion-public-speaking-preparation-presentation-speech-2016-6/#WGGJHx0EurFIZpMm.97

Article: http://www.businessinsider.sg/how-to-prepare-for-a-presentation-2016-6/?r=US&IR=T#E6m406jZXRzMUi7s.97

Might be a bit advanced, but still good to know.

  1. Start with a message
  2. Create a great title
  3. Hook the audience within 45 seconds
  4. Nail down your main points
  5. Craft an ending that leaves on a high note


Ocean Noise Pollution | Discovery

Many marine animals use echolocation to locate food or to communicate. However, sonar, and other man-made machines are causing distress to these animals.

Other links:


  • Is it more important to protect the animals or is it necessary to use these machines for human progress?

Let’s Turn China’s Smog into Diamonds | World Economic Forum

Smog in China has cause serious issues for its inhabitants. A machine has been invented to suck in the smog particles, filter out the carbon, and release the clean air to places such as playgrounds. The carbon collected can then be put under pressure in a machine to create diamonds.

The “World’s Saddest Polar Bear” Lives In A Chinese Mall | IFLS


Grandview Aquarium, located in a shopping mall in Guangzhou, China, houses its animals, many which are endangered, in appalling conditions. The animals are showing signs of distress.

First Proof That Wild Animals Really Can Communicate With Us | National Geographic


Honeyguides in northern Mozambique realize that when a man makes a special trilling sound, he wants to find a bees’ nest—and its delectable honey.

Birds that hear this trill often lead human hunters to a nest, receiving a reward of honeycomb.

The bird’s job is to fly from tree to tree, calling and leading the person on, until the team reaches a bees’ nest. The person’s—more painful—job is to extract the nest.

The oddball partnership arises from complementary skills and deficits. Honeyguides excel at locating bees’ nests, but a bird that tries to steal some of the tasty reward could easily be stung to death. (See “Hello, Honey! 10 Sweet Photos of Bees.”)

Humans can help by wielding axes to chop bees’ nests out of trees and by lighting fires, creating smoke that subdues bees. But humans “are not so good at finding bees’ nests,” says study leader Claire Spottiswoode, a field biologist at the U.K.’s University of Cambridge and the University of Cape Town in South Africa.